Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Monday, December 29, 2008

American Idle

So now that I'm officially Oliver Babbles, A.A., B.G.S., J.D., I decided the best thing to do would be to move back into my dad's basement. But have no fears, this domicile is strictly temporary. I should be leaving the sunflower state and heading west in approximately four weeks. Or four years, we'll see how it goes.

I got a letter from an uncle with a small check and a letter instructing me to "buy furs and goods for your excursion on the Oregon Trail."

This weekend I had to go visit my extended family. My ancient grandma told my pretty cousin meg that her hair "looks like the dog's." Normally this would call for a high five and another wine cooler for grandma, but it was my turn next. And as those of you who have seen my appearance lately already know, I'm not exactly a looker these days.

Her critique of me was pretty tame, though. "You need a trim." I know, boring.

Okay, that's enough "Dear Diary" for now. This post is over. Please hold your applause.

And your breath.

Until you die.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

This feels wrong...

...but here goes.

Yes, it's a baby funeral you can laugh at.

I don't know what else to say, except that when I die you all can laugh at mine. And I want the Lilly Kane video Logan made to play at it.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's not the New York Post, but it is A Post.

In an effort to punish those that continue to keep coming to this site, I've posted a bunch of things that I find amusing/annoying/silly/etc.

what; it's finals week(s). Who has time for a real post

Like kissing cousins, but cats.

What's the deal with martial arts? It's not art, and who's Marshal?

This is what's right with the world

Lassie's secret helper

British graffiti; it says "good morning lemmings"

It should read "prevents" instead of "stops," but whatever

I second this

kids are so damned clever sometimes

The importance of proper outline formatting

Hello, McFly

The four tanks are us; the guy is you.