Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Saturday Morning Veronica Mars Discussion No. 4

Season 4: do you or do you not give a fuck? would you watch? Or would this be like the third Back to the Future movie, where you're better off just pretending it never happened?

I think the casting of her love interest(s) was poorly done; the Veronica I know wouldn't be interested in speeners of a caliber this pathetically low. And I'd miss the old favorites (both characters and settings), but how could I not watch? I can't leave my special lady friend hanging; I'd tune in...


Anonymous said...

I would've watched. But only, if at some point, Veronica had Clarence Wiedeman in handcuffs (either voluntarily or involuntarily).

Slogan Echoes said...

I'd like to say I wouldn't have watched it but...

I've watched every post-Sorkin West Wing episode and like 7 seasons of Smallville.

So, yeah, I'd have stuck in there.

Gal Swearengen said...

So basically the question is: if there was more of Veronica Mars, would I watch it?

Fuck yeah, I'd watch it. And then I'd watch it again. 'cause I'm not one of those recovering addicts. Lesser quality be damned, I'll keep watching.

Less is not more. More is more.

Oliver Babbles said...

yeah, but you're one of those still-likes-the-west-wing after season 4, too.

and would you watch it even if they went Logan-less (which I think was the plan)??

Gal Swearengen said...

Even without Logan, I would watch it. I'd complain about it, but I'd still watch it.

Molly Slaggerty said...

I have no interest in a Loganless world.

Gal Swearengen said...

I'm gonna say that so long as there is Veronica, the only deal breaker is a Kieth Mars-less world.

(you can't get rid of all of Neptune).

Oliver Babbles said...

I'm not positive (slogan would know), but I think he was supposed to absent or nearly-absent. So basically the show would be veronica and all these new pricks.

Molly Slaggerty said...


a spaceman said...

You are so wrong about back to the future 3

Gal Swearengen said...

I would've thrown all three Back to the Future movies in that category, myself.

But then, I understand myself to be alone in thinking that.