Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The boring, boring VP debate

McCain/Palin as mavericks?

fuck that.

sounds pussy to me.

I'm voting for the same candidates I have in every election since 1876


Anonymous said...


A.v.E said...

I'm voting Kodos, again.

Anonymous said...

Swearengen '08

Because you can't slit the throat of everyone whose character it would improve.

Anonymous said...


"Did you fuck me when I was out?"

Anonymous said...

Swearengen on his Republican opponent: "How does Hearst hope to defeat me? Allied as I am with the imbecile, the contemptible, and the promiscuous fucking insane."

Anonymous said...

"we're forming a fucking government"
Get those peaches, Johnny.

also: Dority v. Palin "debate"?
there will be no more winking -- as a matter of fact,
watch your eyeballs, sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

If Al loses I'm moving to canada

A.v.E said...

The last time we had a President who made key decisions while being blown was the last time we had a government surplus.

I'm all for a Swearengen/Dority ticket.

(By the way, like this blog, most of these comments were probably written by one person.)