Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Monday, March 2, 2009

We call it "BTiLC", Bitches.

Look, I've had to take some time off of this to donate some time to my new obsession. (see below)
We can't all be multi-taskers . . .
You can find out a little bit more about what I find far more interesting than this blog here.
As you can see, it doesn't take much.

funny how the looming prospect of a test makes me post here again. Must be some strange psychosomatic connection. Or procrastination . . . whichever.


Slogan Echoes said...

I hope everyone checked out the shirt size chart.

This is perfect on every conceivable level.

Gal Swearengen said...

make sure to hit the "close up" button, otherwise you're missing half the glory.

Even gives their first names . . .

Anonymous said...

buy me one!