Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Remember the good old days...

...way back when we used to have this blog? Yeah, I know, it was a boring blog. But damn it, it was our boring blog.

We need to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, get back on our horses, and make some more posts.

Or not.

Either way, really.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

you'd think. . .

Does anyone else find it amusing that the address for the "Friends of the Earth" website is ?

Monday, November 12, 2007

The first day of the rest of my life...

When I woke up this morning I thought that I wanted to finish clown college so that I could get a J.D. and a real job, yada yada yada.

But by noon I figured out that what I really want isn't a juris doctorate, it's a black belt.

So that's what we're doing now.

Check out my ebay auctions for some cheap law school texts (user name "FU_law_school")

And don't tell my parents.

Are you wearing a wire?

I think my dad is trying to kill me. He recently found out about my DUI and was pretty furious for several boring reasons. I think part of it was that he realized that I've been taking legal counsel with Oliver Babbles who, unlike my father, is not a real lawyer.

Yesterday I got an email from him wanting to know if I could "got to Atlanta" to "pick up a car." What's his game? Nevermind the utter randomness of the request, he knows I'm not supposed to be driving. I think he's going to have me whacked or sent up the river or something. It's all very fishy.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Corky's side of the force

I've been thinking about it and what if droids are the handicapped retards of a galaxy far far away? Threepio does have a lot of special needs and Artoo has that crazy retard strength. I'm just saying.

Monday, November 5, 2007

so . . . iTunes

It is frustrating enough to be sitting, doing whatever on your computer at the law school, and have to put up with all the "cute-sy" little names the students come up with for names of their iTunes.

But if you insist upon naming your iTunes after some iconic tidbit of our american culture - can you have the decency to do it right? Don Corleone has an "e" on the end of it. Otherwise you are referring to a record label with a penchant for bad reggae and album titles like "Too Fucky Fucky".

Sunday, November 4, 2007


On that inadequate lover thing. I guess I'm saying I'm not going to just hand out orgasms. Not without a fight, at least.

So I was at the Jewish Center this morning...

...eating blintzes, when all of the sudden United States Congresswoman Nancy Boyda showed up. She stole my chair and then offered me a spot working on her next campaign. I said 'yes', until I realized she wasn't talking about Halo.