Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Monday, November 5, 2007

so . . . iTunes

It is frustrating enough to be sitting, doing whatever on your computer at the law school, and have to put up with all the "cute-sy" little names the students come up with for names of their iTunes.

But if you insist upon naming your iTunes after some iconic tidbit of our american culture - can you have the decency to do it right? Don Corleone has an "e" on the end of it. Otherwise you are referring to a record label with a penchant for bad reggae and album titles like "Too Fucky Fucky".


A.v.E said...

Babbles. What do you think of "Too Fucky for Sucky" as the new album title?

Oliver Babbles said...


remember when you wanted to start a ska band named "Right On Red"??

I never knew if you were planning on naming yourself "Red," in which case I guess my job would have been to follow you around saying "right on."

God, you had horrible ideas.

A.v.E said...

I really thought "carry-out" could replace "awesome".

Oliver Babbles said...

there was a week when I used the phrase "sweet gig" to describe pretty much everything I saw.

As in phrases like "getting milk shakes would be a pretty sweet gig."

God, those were dark days.

A.v.E said...

Remember when our friend Norman got that really awesome job? Man, they totally King Ralphed him!

(You know how you can tell this is a joke? We never had friends.)

Anonymous said...

you remember when I tony pena'd your mother?

A.v.E said...

After I Pena'd yours, she Schminkied all over the place.

Anonymous said...


were those the days we used to date?

Oliver Babbles said...

way before your time