Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Activity Review: Cabin camping with the sometimes-commentors

I don't know why anyone would care, but since it's been requested I'll oblige with a silly post about a silly trip.

So, the whole gang (for the most part) was there. This made the trip just as awful as you'd think it would.

My ideal vacation crew would look like this:

Notice the lack of commenters. Doesn't it seem glorious?

But as far as the trip itself was concerned, my review is short and painful (unlike the trip which was long and painful).

The low point was when Moronica arrived. The high point was leaving, obviously.

Whatever. I've lost interest.


Anonymous said...

I used to think your posts were uninteresting because the monotony of your everyday life doesn't lend itself to very interesting content; thank you for disabusing me of that notion.

Oliver Babbles said...

I'm not sure what you're saying, but I'm bored and boring, if that's what you mean.

Moaning Myrtle said...

i think you've lost interest in not only this blog, but life in general.

Molly Slaggerty said...

I can only speak for myself here, but life's still good. It's just this blog that sucks.