Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The REAL story.

Can we post "adult content" on this blog? Because there's no sense leaving out all the interesting parts. Like when Moronica found those lost hikers and agreed to take them back to town but only after Bars and Babbles took turns defiling them on the picnic table while the rest of us watched.

What? That doesn't sound likely? Well fuck you and your skepticism! Sure, what really went down was a lot of drinking and reading (including a fair amount of Nancy Friday, it would seem) and sitting around being assholes. But fortunately for us that's exactly the kind of shit we're into.


A.v.E said...

The only way the first half of this blog could have occured is if I was there, which I wasn't - 'cause I'm smart.

Moaning Myrtle said...
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