Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Actions speak louder than nerds

I complain. A lot. About most things. And usually I don't do anything about it, but I finally decided to take action.

The crossword puzzles in the paper have been fucking lame lately, and since completing the damn thing is a big part of my daily routine, this really annoys me.

So now I make crossword puzzles.

I've got some software to assist (re: do most of the work) in the process, but in order for anyone to be able to view the thing, I've got to upload the finished product to the software distributor's site so some old bag can approve of it.

So far I've got two cleared.

Just try and complete my torturous (or, depending on the laws of your particular state, tortious) grid of pain.

And don't cheat, bastards.


Anonymous said...

How is it that I never put together the fact that Lily is both Harry's dead mom and Veronica's dead friend?

Oliver Babbles said...

Jesus, put a spoiler alert on that you goddamned heathen

Anonymous said...

Jesus, even I made that connection and I am absolutely awful at that stuff.

Anonymous said...

Look Babbles. Until now I was the only one who knew that you don't know what words mean but this crossword thing? You really want everyone to know?

Oliver Babbles said...

Listen, I know what at least some of the words I used mean, and where I come from that's good enough.

A.v.E said...

I've got another four minutes to kill. Do you have any more crossword puzzles?