Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Every little thing I do is tragic

Especially this blog.

But seriously. I was supposed to meet up with some people last night and when I got to where I was going I thought "It's cold. I'll leave the car running so it's all nice and toasty." As I was getting out all I was thinking was, "Hit the unlock button. Unlock. Unlock. Unlock." So I hit the lock button. And because I'm driving this car I like to call the Black Shadow (which doesn't belong to me), I don't have any extra keys in Hays. So that took for fucking ever.

And school is always crazytoberfest. I actually had to have a serious conversation with a kindergartner who insisted that his "butt itched" and that he needed "butt cream and we should call Mom to get some."

And then this pretty sharp middle-schooler tells me that the cops gave some kind of presentation at her school today that included the photos from my sweet Subaru's death. Tasteless. Let the dead rest in peace.


Anonymous said...

Have you considered staging a coup and renaming the blog "One Guy and a Submit Button?"

Oliver Babbles said...

jessie, I know that's you

Anonymous said...


(this is tho.)

Anonymous said...

Bars - Sometimes one's butt itches. Butt cream is a much more socially acceptable solution than just scratching the ol' poop hole. Didn't need a KG-er to tell us that.

ALSO: I'm curious about what the photos of your car were doing in a cop's lecture to middle-schoolers. Did she happen to mention what context the photos were shown in?

Anonymous said...

The cops have pictures of my car because the cops took pictures of my car. Also, the photos are evidence of a crime. No one should be surprised that police have evidence. It's almost like it's a totally normally occurrence.

And. You know what's even more "socially acceptable" than arguing about butt cream in the middle of Art class? Not doing it.

The last thing I need is some lowly commenter telling me about kids. I spend 40 hours a week with 400 of them.

If you rabble of commenters can't shape up and start not sucking then I'm going to turn off the anonymous option.

Anonymous said...

Did the cop realize he could just take the class on a field trip to your apartment to see the actual car because for some reason it's STILL fucking sitting there?