Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Monday, January 14, 2008

I accidentally bought girl deodorant again

And the scent isn't just slightly feminine, it's fucking girlie. Like Lisa Frank girlie. And delicious. I smell like a million bucks.

Here's the thing, it took me a while to figure out where this beautiful aroma was coming from. I kept wondering why my dirty shirts smelled like a prom dress. And then one night while laying in bed I realized "oh my god, it's me!" I did some Veronica Mars-ing and traced the scent back to my "fresh scent" SURE invisible solid.

If you see me, I'll happily oblige if you ask for a sniff. And it's worth it, believe me.


Anonymous said...

I thought you did this a month ago. Do you really go through that much deodorant?

Oliver Babbles said...

No, but I just figured it out now

Anonymous said...

Why do your dirty shirts smell like latex and keystone light?