Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Monday, July 21, 2008

here goes nothing . . .

I don't have much, but what I've got you can have:

I've been banished to a small South Dakotan town for most of July. . . this sort of setting does not generate the kind of material I'd prefer to blog about. But, honestly, who am I kidding. . . nobody reads this anyway.

When you cross the border into Eastern South Dakota (and eeeeeeverybody knows that East River drulz and West River rulz) you get greeted by two billboards that pretty much sum up time spent crossing the state. 1) the billboard that tells you to eat meat. Seriously, that's all it says. "Eat Meat" in big Red Letters. and 2) the how far away you are from Wall Drug sign. Wall Drug is the waste-of-space town that SD likes to pretend it a holdover from the good ol' days of cowboys and ten foot tall kelly green brontosaurus statues with blinking red eyes. Wha? I don't get it either, but if you want to see both, apparently this is where you come. And there are signs as far away as Greenland and Africa to entice tourists to visit. Ugh.

And when I arrived safe on the Eastern border, I was greeted by the "WELCOME VETTERS" sign gracing the highway exit. Glory, Glory . . . I didn't miss the wonder that is the Corvette Rally. If you can call a group of James Spader (circa Pretty in Pink) wannabe, Creed blaring, personalized license plate sporting ego-maniacs a "Rally".

Perhaps not enough to keep anyone reading this -- but what if I could promise a follow up of girl-on-girl streetfighting and a trip to Deadwood? eh? eh?


A.v.E said...

"Seriously, that's all it says. "Eat Meat" in big Red Letters."

I have one of these in my apartment.

Anonymous said...

I didn't find a picture of the dinosaur (my originally intended search, but I did read all about ice water as an inducement.

Gal Swearengen said...

FREE ice water, no less.

it says so on the sign at the South Pole. Only 9,333 more miles to FREE ice water.

a tad sadistic if you ask me.

Ginny Weasley said...

Here is something that is awful to blog about that is happening in South Dakota.
In a victory for antiabortion forces, doctors in South Dakota are now required to tell a woman seeking an abortion that the procedure "will terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique living human being." how awesome....except the opposite

This new law turns doctors into ideological puppets for the religious right.

Gal Swearengen said...

we have a van that drives around town with pictures of aborted fetuses plastered all over it as well.

and back to billboards for a second: in Sioux Falls there is one that says "Live Baby Good - Dead Baby Bad".

We like to get our points across with as few words as possible.

Anonymous said...

These billboards sound amazing. I'm curious about "Eat Meat"... Who pays for it?! Because I was sort of under the assumption that different meats were kind of their own different industries.

Maybe the state's SO full of vegetarians that they've got to pool resources to advertise. Or maybe in South Dakota there's just one guy. One guy with a fucking ton of meat who's looking to sell.

Anonymous said...

I think South Dakota has an open hunting season on Vegetarians . . .