Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

If you can't spot the sucker in your first hour at the table, then you are the sucker.

allow me to tell you a little something about myself. I hate law school.
It seems to me that it is nothing more than an academic racket, and I got suckered into attending. I take partial responsibility for this, I suckered myself into belieiving the propaganda.

I do my work, I go to class, I even speak in class when absolutely required. My professors often look at me like I am speaking another language. I get the feeling they believe me suited to other, less lofty professions. So did my undergrad guidance counselor:

Counselor: Are there any schools you are particularly interested in?

Me: I have *insert name of prominent public university here* law school at the top of my list.
Counselor: and what field do you see yourself in?

Me: I was thinking something with the federal government, maybe FBI or State Department.

< here there is a really long pause as she shifted in her seat and sifted through all of my scores in front of her>

Counselor: hmmmmmmmm. well, . . . ah. . . I have looked at your results and here some brochures and applications that might be of interest to you. (she refuses to meet my gaze as she slides them across the desk)

Me: Thanks - I see here this application has *insert prominent public university name here* at the top of the form, but they aren't asking for a GPA or anything. . . (I skim a few more pages) and this one has the U.S. Government seal, but I can't find which . . .

Counselor: (interrupting) Well, I know you said you see yourself *attending* those institutions, but your tests show that you might be more suited to *tending to* them instead. . . have you ever considered a career in the custodial arts?

It was at this point that I should have dropped any inclination of attending law school -

Instead I stubbornly stuck to my guns (if you will) and underwent the entire charade and find myself here. Which is to say: two years into law school, hating it, hating the people, and hating myself for being unable to just quit. Of all the things in my life that I have hated, this one tops the list. And of all those things that I have loathed to this degree, I have packed up and walked the fuck away from most of them. So what is my problem? All I know is that I see the janitors and repair folk around the school and they seem a hell of a lot happier than me.


Anonymous said...

Those bastard janitors are the only people in the entire building who ever smile

Anonymous said...

claw school is the biggest pyramid scheme around