Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


So to catch you up. For starters, let me just say "Oktoberfest! Woo!"

Right now, I'm still in my pajamas and watching Veronica Mars (season 1). Usher is 'tailgating' (whatever that means) with his dad and some of their cronies. And a storm of drunken idiots continues to ravage the town.

Last night, Ush and I had supper at Al's Chickenette and then watched old "Newsradio" episodes.

Forgive me if I repeat myself but "Oktoberfest!!1!"


Anonymous said...

as bad as this sounds, it still seems like it was the best oktoberfest in years.

Anonymous said...

Well, I wasn't jolted out of my sleep several times throughout the night by the "Fresh Prince of Bel Aire" themesong coming up through the floorboards, so I can't complain.