Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Still Liveblogging Oktoberfest

I doubt there is anyone who reads this blog. . . . Actually I'm just going to end that thought there. I was going to write 'I doubt there is anyone who reads this blog who is not overly familiar with what a gangfuck Oktoberfest in Hays always is' but I think that first sentence captures so much of what I want to say.

For those who might not know, Oktoberfest in Hays is a citywide holiday dedicated entirely to drinking. The university cancels classes expressly to give students more drinking time. And when the university-sponsored, city-endorsed, all-day drunkfest ends Friday evening, the whole college neighborhood throws opens its doors to anyone who wants to drink in their houses and yards for the rest of the weekend. Sounds fun, but it's not. While I totally condone the sentiment, Oktoberfest is really just a good idea poorly executed.

I bet everyone reading this has already spotted the a few flaws in the plan. For starters, drunk people are no fun; they're just irritating. And Hays is a car town; you have to drive to get anywhere so that sucks. And there are the drunk people again; drunk people like to fight and I don't. And then there's the cops; cops are dicks and they're even worse on Oktoberfest.

Anyway, we're only a little ways into this 72-hour boozetoberfest so I thought I would let you who couldn't be with us know what we're up to.

Usher is playing my xbox.

I'm cleaning my apartment.

Check back for more exciting updates!

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