Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Best vanity plate ever

Yesterday, while leaving the secret CIA torture facility school, Gal and I spotted the coolest vanity plate I've seen in real life- SNAPE

Q. How awesome is that?

A. Very awesome.


Anonymous said...

"Snape" is good. My favorite is when the younger Kindsvater girl (The one who banged Mark Bartel) got an Infiniti and a vanity plate that said "ANBYOND."

She wrecked it, natch.

Gal Swearengen said...

how 'bout worst vanity plate ever? I am torn between "QED" (which I hate because I can't always remember right away what that means, so this guy is the definition of elitist fuck) or "pooky2" (cause that's just lame.)