Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

A mother and child reunion is only a squalling catfight away

Babbles is bringing Kiki, the cat that lives with and barely tolerates him, home for the holidays.I'm pretty sure my sister will bring home her two cats, one of which is Kiki's offspring--Donkey.

(Donkey's the all-grey lump in the middle, patchouli's the cutie on the right)

When reintroduced we think the conversation will go something like this--

Kiki: You probably should have been fed to your siblings. Jesus, you're fat.

Donkey: If I had known what you were like I would have clawed your organs to ribbons while I was in the womb. Still drinking I see? They had to send me to AA when it was time for me to be weaned.

Kiki: What do they call you, again? Donkey? Kind of an ugly name isn't it?

Donkey: Didn't you used to call me your Little Slut Trophy?

Kiki: Oh no, honey, it was Patchouli I was proud of. We mostly just called you the dumb drooly one.

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