Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sorry for the absence, I lost my submit button

Listen, when you only leave the house once every three or four days it's hard to make a blarg about anything (unless our readership really wants to hear about the installation of a coffee maker in my bedroom, or the new cat toy kiki's ignoring). But in the interest of sportsmanship, I'll give it the ole' college try...




seriously guys, I've got nothing.

check back in later, maybe something noteworthy will have happend.

same bat-time, same bat-channel.


Anonymous said...

seriously? nothing?!

p.s. - you know my birthday is Saturday, right? you'd better call me.

Anonymous said...

seriously, kiki is ignoring her new cat toy?

Oliver Babbles said...

I know all about birfdays.

and kiki has no interest in her new toy; she told me that it's because it doesn't pose any of intellectual challenge.

Anonymous said...

kiki is still chasing a red dot on the floor from the laser pointer