Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Friday, October 19, 2007

I'm thinking of joining a bowling league

Yes, an intramural bowling league.

I'm thinking of signing up. Mainly so I can have tee shirts made. Of course, that's really the only reason to sign up for anything.

Anyway, I've got some potential teammates (although they don't know it yet), a team name, and a team logo.

This plan has two problems, however:

1) It goes against my nature to get involved with anything school-related

2) I rarely follow through with things. In the words of (maybe) the smartest professor I've ever had, "you're not exactly a taskmaster, are you." And no question mark because he didn't say it as a question. Or maybe I'm just too lazy to hit the shift key again. Either way.

Oh yeah, also, I suck at bowling. Three problems. But whatever.


A.v.E said...

Loose the chick and the other dude.

They're weighing you down.

Anonymous said...

Dear Oliver,

Don't listen to the dude who can't spell 'lose.'

A.v.E said...

No. I meant loose.

Moronica Bars said...

Your team name sounds like a ska band.