Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Friday, April 11, 2008

A few things

Last weekend I reformatted my computer back to factory settings; while I was deleting all the stupid programs Dell pre-installs, I accidentally removed Wordperfect, my word processing program.

So now I have to type up my research papers using Final Draft Pro. Which is fine, except now my thesis reads like a Quentin Tarintino knock-off.

And, at school (where I'm currently at), it's tour week for next year's class.

I'm not sure what's worse, hearing my stupid classmates trying to explain how the school works, or hearing the stupid questions the new fuckfaces ask. I'd type out some examples, but then I'd get all riled up and ruin my day.

Also, if I hear one more person tell me how much better a.v.e.'s blog is than this I'm gonna... I don't know, probably just call moronica and bitch about it.



Anonymous said...

a.v.e. blog is inspiring. this blog is really just about the commenters, it is pretty much a message board and the bloggers just put up the theme.

Oliver Babbles said...

anyone inspired (rather than awed and disgusted) by a.v.e.'s blog needs to reevaluate their inspiration criteria.

Anonymous said...

Examples from that other blog of awe (It Takes), disgust (Fast Facts), and inspiration (The Ups and Downs). It evokes so many more emotions than this blog, which primarily evokes disdain.

A.v.E said...

Before everyone thinks it, I'm not posting as anonymous.

Even I don't read that other blog.

Anonymous said...

anonymous is a twat

Anonymous said...

i think it's fair to call all commentators twats.

Slogan Echoes said...

I always kind of figured your papers read like uninspired Gal Swearengen rip-offs.

Not to say you're a cheat but... how else are you still in Law school?

Or, are your professors just SUPER-impressed by Alias spec-scripts?

Oliver Babbles said...

sometimes I offer up LOST plot theories; the profs like that.