Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

yes, please

I'll accept any job that gives me an excuse to avoid doing other, more productive things, so of course I happily accept a submit button here.

And now that I've taken this gig, here is my list of demands:

1. An introduction to Gal. In person. Babbles, you should be able to arrange this.
2. Tattoo of a "submit" button. (I suppose I can take care of this one on my own.)
3. Hookers.
4. Blow.
5. This.
6. This.
7. A case of this.
8. And a case of this.

OK! So I'm going to make some coffee and I'll just wait here for my stuff to arrive. Any time now would be fine.


And hurry up. I'm hungry.


Oliver Babbles said...

first of all, did you add a comma to the blog title?

second, Gal is like a mafia don, access is very limited.

third of all, shit, we all want that table.

fourth, the boulevard irish ale is just like regular boulevard, except it can't keep a job and goes to church drunk.

fifth, there was a fifth thing, but I forgot what it was.

Oliver Babbles said...

Oh yeah, fifth, we all definitely need submit button tattoos.

But if we do it, we can never go to an S & M bar, or we'd totally get hit on.

Molly Slaggerty said...

you'd totally get hit on anyway.

and yes, I added a comma because a comma fucking goes there.

Oliver Babbles said...

oh yeah?

Molly Slaggerty said...

Oh that. No, i didn't do that. Must've been Bars. I thought you meant the title of my post. But then... I guess... you would have said that.

Oliver Babbles said...

Moronica is too lazy. Plus I'm not entirely sure he even knows what a comma is.

Maybe I did it when I renamed the blarg. I do lots of things I can't remember.

Molly Slaggerty said...

Also: was IMDB more accessible than MLA or just more credible?

Oliver Babbles said...

imdb is the definitive source for everything I do.

You should read my briefs at claw school.

Molly Slaggerty said...

gawd you're going to be such a good loller.

Anonymous said...

thing one. you wear briefs that say things when you go to skool and apparently you let people read what they say...odd.

thing two. it's almost like christmas came either a.) REEEEALLY early or (more likely) b.) 2 months too late.

Molly-i'm super glad you joined the crew. bring on the awesomeness.