Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Monday, March 24, 2008

It's the Monday after Spring Break and you know what that means...

It's sometimes-commenter Usher's birthday!

Also, I don't know if it's stress, my awful, awful diet, lack of sunlight, or what, but you should see my complexion; more like spring break-out.

Anyway, HAPPY B-DAY or whatever. And since it's your special day, treat yourself; don't read the blarg today.


Moronica Bars said...

FUCK. Take all the easy ones, whydontcha? I even thought about writing this post last night but I, you know, put it off.

Now what am I supposed to blog about?

Oliver Babbles said...

the same boring shit no one cares about that you usually do?

Or was that supposed to be rhetorical?

Moronica Bars said...


and yeah 'the same boring shit' was the right answer.

although, I seem to get a lot more comments than you do. just sayin.

Molly Slaggerty said...

Usher, you devil, happy (now-late) birthday. I hope it was full of fine beers, poker winnings and hot almost-sex with one or more of my cousins.

(And one of the legal ones, unlike that perv Bars.)

Slogan Echoes said...

Not to split hairs here, but "Almost-Sex" is pretty much never hot.

Anonymous said...

almost sex with more than one of molly's cousins might be hot

Anonymous said...

is anal fisting considered almost-sex?

Slogan Echoes said...

I think anal fisting is more like Super-Sex. Or Sex+1.

Molly Slaggerty said...

So is like 4 fingers still Almost-Sex, but add a thumb and it's Sex+1?

Where are we drawing the line here?

Anonymous said...

it's more about the knuckle than the thumb

Slogan Echoes said...

See, I was going to say wrist.

If you can't see any palm, it's sex+1.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the birthday wishes, much appreciated. As some of you may know, I'm tagging along with Slaggerty's slag of a sister to Hays this weekend to hang out with moronica for my real birthday (Saturday). Babbles was gonna come too but he decided that some paper about slaves was more important than me (it's actually only 3/5 as important).


I hope you never flop a set again.

Oliver Babbles said...


That comment was so good I'm thinking about giving you moronica's submit button.