Two Guys, Two Girls and a Submit Button

Life doesn't suck. Our lives suck.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Saturday Morning Veronica Mars Discussion No. 2

First, Usher, obviously, spoiler alert. stay out of this.

Favorite scene (or most memorable), again, using the criteria of your choosing.


Also, now this thread is interactive:

Here's my favourite...

I like the reference to the first episode when it was Weevil beating up Logan in front of her, asking "do you want your friend to apologize?" Plus, seriously, who doesn't melt when they see these two together???


Ginny Weasley said...

The most memorable scene for me was seeing Wallace duct taped to the pole.

2nd place the janitor scene

Oliver Babbles said...

you mean the janitor scene from the second season where he pulls a gun out?

You're wrong either way, however.

The best scene is from the final episode when my main man Logan Echolls beats up the 'connected' slimeball in the cafeteria at the end of the episode.

Also, that is the correct answer

Anonymous said...

The best scene is when Logan tells Veronica to "annoy like the wind" in the poker game episode of season one.

Anonymous said...

keith, not ken

Anonymous said...

I can include a YouTube link too:

Gal Swearengen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

how can that be your favorite scene; that clip is just normal logan/veronica?

Gal Swearengen said...

we beg to differ:

the best scene is when Logan breaks in on Veronica and that three-name-fuck (from Home Improvement) at the Camelot. We hate the kid, so we love when Logan starts beating the trash out of him. And that he calls him "Jump Street".

and, the kiss that happens right after ignited my own personal undying love for all things Logan, so there's that too.

I also have a soft spot for Cliff when he says "Hello, my name is Cliff, and I'll be your "if you cannot afford an attorney" attorney." (mostly because I expect to be saying that myself in about one year).

Anonymous said...

if the normal logan/veronica question was directed to me (and I'm not sure it was), it's my favorite scene because I loved Logan and Veronica long before they were a couple.

and anytime Logan beats the crap out of someone for Veronica is good, especially when followed by kissing

Anonymous said...

gal's scenes were legit, but keith's selection is the most unspectacular "favorite scene ever" ever.

Nothing noteworthy happens in it, how can it be your most memorable?

Anonymous said...

what can I say, I have low standards

Molly Slaggerty said...

They've just caught the serial rapist at Hearst after he tried to shave/rape Veronica.

It's not nearly as good out of context, but still awesome.

But Gal's favorite is probably actually better, and at LEAST a close second.

Moaning Myrtle said...

I enjoy this blog based on the fact that apparently there is a right and wrong answer to the question, "what's your favorite scene".